Zero to hero stories have always been popular. They give us this thrilling feeling that everything is possible if we work hard enough. Many of those stories, even though usually genuine, also contain a whole lot of exaggeration and colorizing. So if you’re looking for another Hollywood one-in-a-million-tale about achieving success and fame, feel free to stop here.

Not another SEO hero 

The story of Omi Sido is a great study case for those who are interested in developing their own brand in an IT world.  I found his story so interesting that I decided to share it with the world. It’s a remarkable example of how hard skills combined with creating a personal brand can give a rise to a new life’s mission. It brought our story’s hero from being heavily indebted to an SEO expert working for Canon, worldwide – acclaimed technology company.  And his future aspirations? Being a world-class SEO expert. Without doubts, he’s on the straight way to reach his goal.

The beginning, however,  was not the easiest thing in the world.  Omi started off as a frontend developer and an SEO engineer working for several companies. This is where he was able to get his first experience in several IT areas. While working at regular 9-5 he also got involved in different businesses which brought him to the verge of bankruptcy and depression for long months of his life.  In spite of that, he never ceased to persist and further work on himself. Over years of his career, he developed a strong interest in SEO engineering and fully committed to making it his absolute trademark.

He kept moving across different companies working as an SEO executive or a global head of SEO.  It didn’t take long for him to position himself as a professional combining extreme hard work ethic with a personal passion for what he does.  Work became one with life’s mission. One thing was still missing though.  It was the ability to convey the value he had to offer to the world being just an anonymous SEO expert. This missing puzzle was creating a personal brand. Making Omi Sido synonymous with SEO expertise.

Omi is now present on multiple social media channels. He actively promotes his brand by offering SEO-related content on YouTube, Twitter, articles on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram. As his efforts started to bear fruits, he has been invited to a few major SEO conferences that recently took place.  One of them was BrightonSEO 2017 where he gave a speech on website migration and related SEO issues. Another time, he attended Benchmark Search Conference 2017 where he talked about the future of SEO and RankBrain optimizing capability. In his speech, he took a totally opposite approach to the one that is prevalent in the SEO industry. He showed his expertise and confidence by going against popular SEO misconceptions.

A living example 

As a person actively promoting the idea of personal branding I am very happy to know someone like Omi. He’s a living example of how we can use social media to reshape our career based on what we love doing in life. And as simple as it sounds the recipe can be broken down into these three simple steps:

  1. Building up proficiency by working harder than others.
  2. Starting different social media channels showing not only professional but also personal, human side.
  3. Providing constant, juicy content attracting the followers by helping them solve their problems.

In my world, results are the only way of measuring success and Omi Sido is definitely someone who has achieved it. And he will definitely not settle.

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