Personal Branding Secrets IT Gurus Wish They Knew

Unlocking the Power of Personal Branding to Create a Super IT Career: The Definitive Guide

Personal Branding Marcin Ruman
Getting to know the concept of personal branding totally changed my understanding of social media.
Pawel Marciniuk
Software Developer

Check Out What Others Are Already Saying About the Book!


Start by setting your goals


Your body is your business card


Emotional Intelligence

Start Here!

As you know by now, people skim online, even when looking at the best profiles. Your brand deserves a better chance

"Geez, if this book had gone out back when I was starting my first business at 15, it would have been like a goldmine to me. I could have got to where I am now much faster."

There is no catch

You are extremely good at your job but your CV is not just enough in the current digital era. This book is NOT just another cookie-cutter book on Digital Marketing. It is NOT about getting shortcuts to marketing success. It is NOT about overselling yourself to get more clients. This 160-page ebook explores the nitty-gritty of creating a user-centered brand experience that exceeds customer expectations.

“Lots of software developers dismiss marketing skills, but marketing skills matter! Learn them! You’re trying to get humans to use software – humans with little time, who don’t trust you. That’s why people hire experts. To learn more, read up on marketing and talk to professionals. It’s a fascinating field, and I have a huge amount of respect for it.” – Stephanie Hurlburt


Personal Branding for Badass IT persons like you


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